A Change of Seasons

Growing up in New York and later in Maine the change of seasons came four times a year.  My favorite season has always been summer!  Fall my least favorite – I think because it meant the end of my favorite season.  I know many people talk about how gorgeous fall is with the colors and the crisp air, I don’t agree, to me it has always meant death, leaves dying, long days gone, and layers of clothing being needed.  As a very small child in the Hudson Valley of New York winter was fun, we had a pond across the street where we could skate, there was sledding and skiing to be done, roasting marshmallows and downing them with hot chocolate.  As I got older, winter was just cold and painful and I never mastered driving in the ice and snow.  Thus I headed south to college and later off to California, where winter was a place you drove to, not a season I endured. 

Fall, growing up, also meant the end of summer vacation and saying goodbye to your summertime friends. To me, that is how spring feels in Mexico.  I was speaking to my friend Carrie, who also lives here full-time, and we said it is almost confusing what time of year it is; it feels like it should be fall and people are heading back to school.  That, in part, is because the weather never really changes on the Caribbean Coast of Mexico so distinguishing seasons is subtle.

For a large number of our friends and acquaintances Puerto Aventuras is home for 3-6 months.  And when they arrive, the parties begin, the social calendars are booked up and there is always something to do, people to see, places to go.  Snowbird season is sort of like the Holidays in Charleston, extremely social, though much more casual. We have had so much fun this high season with restaurants booked to capacity, music somewhere every night, dinner parties, wine or tequila tastings, boating, water fitness classes, game days, beach club outings and the list goes on.  Season really kicks off with Halloween and continues through Easter.  For our group, it is like a very long spring break for retired people. 

In April we start our good-byes so Spring is bittersweet.  The snowbirds are ready to get home to their friends and families and their warmer weather.  The locals are ready for a slower season, which allows us to re-connect with friends neighbors who we have been too busy to spend as much time with.  Life becomes more laid-back and “Mexican time” becomes more of a reality – whatever you can do now can certainly wait until manana.  The weather gets a little warmer making that afternoon siesta more inviting. 

I find I spend more time planning vacations during this time of year. It is possibly a distraction from the fact that I hate to see our seasonal friends go.  Last year we planned a 3-week trip to the Pacific Northwest.  This year we are considering more smaller vacations to places in Mexico.  Low season was always my favorite time to come to Mexico on business and for pleasure because our friends who lived here full time had more time to visit.  It was also a great time to find deals while traveling throughout the Yucatan. So, I won’t miss the crowds of strangers, but each year we are here, I find it is harder to say good-bye to the friends we love.  Each winter our relationships get a little stronger. In reality, each year we get a little older and the cold hard fact that no tomorrows are guaranteed becomes more apparent.  Without a doubt, this is a time to reflect on the good times, laughter and memories and realize just how blessed we are.  Life in paradise is good!  Good Bye dear friends and here’s hoping we have many more high seasons together.

Lydia Pontius